Redefining Safer Airmanship in Aviation

Mx2Fly has embodied the Total Airman Concept- merging pilot and technician skills into one. Our Airmen are highly trained to respond to any of your aircraft needs by flying out to your location, fixing it or providing maintenance and delivering it airworthy to where you need it most.
AMTs Retiring Faster than Replacing

Mx2Fly holds a tradition of honoring aviation pioneers, pilots and technicians, alike. Where would we be without Chuck Taylor supporting the Wright Brothers’ effort and the first-manned flight. They have led generations of aviation enthusiasts be able to break past barriers and we must continue their aviation spirit, with a lot of help. The Aviation […]

Why Smart Pilots Crash

Pilots come in all from all sorts of experiences, newly minted wings and those seasoned veterans. Mistakes happen all the time and it is not because a pilot was not terribly bright, or lacked basic skills or just didn’t have the “right stuff”.

World’s First Electric Amphibious Airplane Makes Maiden Flight

Mx2Fly is no stranger to innovation and when aviation takes a leap into higher technology we become very excited.

New AD for Piper’s M600

Mx2Fly tracks every Airworthiness Directive (AD) for the aircraft we service, maintaining all requirements to ensure our customers’ aircraft remain in compliance. New ADs are published periodically and keeping up to date is part of our service.

Midair Collision at Miami Executive Airport

It is always a terrible news when tragedy strikes in the air.  Preliminary details about a midair collision in the Everglades, 11 miles northwest of Miami Executive Airport report the accident claimed the lives of four people, apparently two aboard each aircraft- a twin-engine Piper Seneca and Cessna 172.  Both aircraft were involved in flight […]

Pilot forgets landing gear after maintenance flight

According to the pilot, after completing the maintenance test flight on the Beech 58, he established a normal approach to the runway at the airport in Huntsville, Alabama.

Nobody’s flying the plane

During one of my airline simulator training sessions, the instructor put us about 10 miles from an initial approach fix, then she asked us to turn around so she could show us something.

Would you report a risky pilot to the FAA?

In a new blog post, Leah Read, a senior air safety investigator in the NTSB Office of Aviation Safety, warns against turning a blind eye to risky behavior in another pilot.

Legislation has come up with the Aviation Maintenance Workforce Development Pilot Program on March 7th, 2018.

Mechanic Shortage Talks in Washington Legislation has come up with the Aviation Maintenance Workforce Development Pilot Program on March 7th, 2018. This bipartisan legislation is designed to help close the skills gap and fill aviation maintenance jobs.

There can be no compromise to safety. At Mx2Fly, safety is our number one priority.

Changing how we talk about Safety There can be no compromise to safety. At Mx2Fly, safety is our number one priority. You may hear this saying all the time for from well-meaning people and companies. The assertions are supposed to provide comfort- especially after an accident.

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    Find Us:

    Address: 9100 Republic Airport, Hangar 8 Farmingdale, NY 11735
    Phone: 631-293-5858